Keep in touch!

We ask that owners keep us updated with their current contact information. This information is used by your co-op for important communications, special deals, and to send out patronage rebate checks in profitable years. The primary member of each owner account is the only one allowed to make changes. The primary owner is the first person listed on your account (check the most recent mailing or a current receipt the primary owner will be the first one listed) or e-mail us at to find out who the primary owner is on your account. All other owner changes—name changes, add an owner, remove an owner—must be done in-store at any register.

Please list your most recent contact information.


Retire your Ownership

Please note that retirements are approved by our CEO and the Board of Directors, the process will take up to one month depending on the date of our next board meeting. If you are moving within that time, please leave us your forwarding address. You may still use your owner benefits until you receive your retirement check in the mail.


Remove a name from my owner account

Once this transaction is approved a check will be sent in the primary owner’s name to the primary owner of this account.